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Elastic Cloud


Elastic Cloud is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering that provides a scalable and managed Elasticsearch and Kibana solution. It is designed to simplify the deployment, management, and scaling of Elasticsearch clusters. Elastic Cloud provides a range of features and capabilities that enable users to easily ingest, search, analyze, and visualize data in real-time.


First, you need to get your access key and secret key, from the Cubbit Web Console or https://console.[your-tenant] Please follow these instructions on how to get started with a Cubbit account and generate these keys.


API keys

Sign in on Elastic Cloud and go to the Deployment settings by clicking the gear icon.

Deployment settings

From the left sidebar choose Security, scroll down to Elasticsearch keystore and click Add settings.

Security settings

Now, to add the Cubbit API keys, create two new Single string type strings using the following String names:

  • For the access key: s3.client.cubbit-client.access_key
  • For the secret key: s3.client.cubbit-client.secret_key

Then paste the respective API keys in the Secret field.

Key creation

If everything has been done correctly the Security page will list both keys.

Security settings with saved keys

S3 Repository

To create the S3 Repository go to the deployment home page, scroll down to Management and click Dev Tools on the right.

Deployment home

Here, paste the following REST API call and rename the bucket with an existing one on the Cubbit Web Console. Click the green Play button to send the request:


Remember to replace the endpoint with s3.[your-tenant] if you have a custom tenant.

PUT _snapshot/cubbit-s3-repository
"type": "s3",
"settings": {
"client": "cubbit-client",
"bucket": "cubbit-elastic-bucket",
"endpoint": "",
"region": "eu-west-1"

If the request is successful, {"acknowledged": true} will appear on the right.

For more information on the available parameters please visit the Elastic documentation page.

Dev Tools

Restore Policy

Go back to the Management section of the Deployment home page and select Back up and Restore.

Back up and Restore

Open the Policies tab, click the blue Create policy button, select the newly created Repository from the dropdown menu and complete the configuration with the desired settings.

Create policy

How to

To create new snapshots, go to the Back up and Restore (or Snapshot and Restore) page, open the Policies tab and click the play Run now button on the right.

Otherwise, to restore an existing snapshot, open the Snapshots tab from the same page, click on a snapshot name, press the blue Restore button and follow the wizard.

For more information on using Elastic products please visit the official documentation page.