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Usage reports

Tenant operators can extract reports for Projects created in the Tenant. The report details every Project active within the selected interval, outlining resource usage. Each line in the report represents a Project.

The report includes the following data fields:

  • id -> unique identifier assigned to the distributor in the Cubbit ecosystem.
  • external_id -> identifier assigned to the Tenant by the distributor. This data field is for external use only.
  • project_name -> name of the Project.
  • code -> the MSP code associated with the Tenant.
  • storage_bh -> total storage used hourly within the interval. This value is not normalised. It includes the previous hour's storage plus any changes in the current interval.
  • storage_tb -> normalised storage (normalised over the month) used by the Project for the specified period, measured in terabytes with precision up to 10 decimals.
  • storage_avg_tb -> normalised storage (normalised over the period) used by the Project for the specified period, measured in terabytes with precision up to 10 decimals.
  • storage_max_tb -> max value reached by the storage consumption quotas for the specified period, in TB.
  • storage_reserved_tb -> storage capacity specified by the free-tier of the project, in TB.
  • bandwidth_reserved_tb -> bandwidth capacity specified by the free-tier of the project, in TB.
  • egress_tb -> Total egress bandwidth recorded for the Project during the interval, measured in terabytes with precision up to 10 decimals.
  • ingress_tb -> Total ingress bandwidth recorded for the Project during the interval, measured in terabytes with precision up to 10 decimals.
  • from_time -> start timestamp of the interval.
  • to_time -> end timestamp of the interval may vary if the Project was removed during this period.
  • status -> current status of the Project.
  • timestamp -> timestamp marking when the report was generated.

How Cubbit tracks storage

Cubbit utilises Byte-Hours to monitor storage utilisation. This metric involves calculating normalising each hour's storage across the chosen timeframe.

Consider a solar month of 31 days with an initial 15-day period of 100GB usage followed by 16 days at 100 TB. The calculation proceeds as follows:

Total Byte-Hour usage equals the sum of 100,000,000,000 bytes (representing 100GB) over 15 days, multiplied by 24 hours per day, and 100,000,000,000,000 bytes (equivalent to 100TB) over the subsequent 16 days, also multiplied by 24 hours per day. This results in a total of 38,436,000,000,000,000 Byte-Hours.

Converting this to GB-Months, the formula divides the total Byte-Hours by 1,000,000,000 bytes per GB and then by 744 hours per month, yielding an aggregated consumption of 51,661.29 GB-Months or 51.66 TB over the entire month.

Quotas are aggregated with a 12-hour delay. We recommend waiting until 1 p.m. the following day to retrieve the previous day's quotas accurately.